UAV Research Series
Through a series of videos and presentation the Aerospace Villages' own Gaffers will examine the weaknesses by building our own drone as close to commercial specifications as he can.
All episodes are available on the Aerospace Village Youtube channel.

Episode 5
Exploring and hacking UAV RF
Drone Build of Materials
Aerospace Village have no commercial links with any of the suppliers linked below. We also bear no responsibility for content on 3rd party websites.
Main Parts
Banggoodr UAV Kit – Believe
RC Model hinges – Such as these on Ebay
RC Aeroplane Propeller 12 X 6
awk Cube Orange with ADS-B inPixh
EMax ES3054 Servos
Drone telemetry kit 100mw @ 433Mhz (check frequencies and power levels that are legal in your country)
Receiver (Highly suggest SBus or single PPM output to FC) + Transmitter
UBEC (Universal Battery Eliminator Circuit)
XT60 Battery Connectors
10000mAh 6S Li-ion Battery Pack 10C 22.2V
T-Motor – AS 2814 Long Shaft – 900KV
NSS Module for Pixhawk (M8P)HERE 3 G
Glue – Foamtac (there are other brands)
Craft knife
Mobile phone screwdriver set
Hot glue gun
Magnifying visor
Strobon lights
FPV Camera
FPV Transmitter
Servo tester
Servo Extension cables
Small self-adhesive cable clips – such as these
Aluminium flat bar
M2.5 x 40mm cap head screw (if using the Here3 GPS in the same place)
32gb Sandisk Extreme Plus U3 (For FC logs)
R/C Plane Wing Tape
Self-adhesive hook and loop tape
3.5mm male / female gold bullet connectors
MATEK – Analog Airspeed Sensor ASPD-7002
2.54 Pin header (3 rows of 13 pins recommended)