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DEFCON 32 Talk Schedule

All talks will be held on the Creator Stages

Friday 8/9

10:30 AM

Creator Stage 2
ONCD Presentation on new Space Cyber Framework

Office of the National Cyber Director

The Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) advises the President of the United States on cybersecurity policy and strategy. Established by Congress in 2021, ONCD is a component of the Executive Office of the President at the White House. The Office spearheaded the development of the President’s National Cybersecurity Strategy, which President Biden issued on March 2, 2023. ONCD coordinates a whole-of-government approach to implement the National Cybersecurity Strategy.

ONCD’s mission is to advance national security, economic prosperity, and technological innovation through cybersecurity policy leadership. In carrying out its directive, ONCD works closely with White House and interagency partners, as well as with all levels of government, America’s international allies and partners, non-profits, academia, and the private sector, to shape and coordinate federal cybersecurity policy. Guided by the President’s vision, as articulated in the National Cybersecurity Strategy, ONCD is working to create a more equitable, safe, and resilient interconnected world in which every American can thrive and prosper.

1:30 PM

Creator Stage 2
RF Attacks on Aviation's Last Line of Defense Against Mid-Air Collisions (TCAS II)

Giacomo Longo & Vincent Lenders

Giacomo Longo is a Ph.D. student by day, and a master of mayhem by night. When he's not burrowing through the depths of transportation system security, specifically primary and secondary radar systems, you can find him conjuring chaos as an engineer with a passion for solving what he thinks are the world's most intriguing problems. By harnessing his love for disorder into scientific research, Giacomo is on a mission to uncover the secrets of transportation systems - or at least, that's what he tells his thesis committee. Until the world takes notice, he'll continue to stir up trouble in the name of scientific progress.

3:00 PM

Creator Stage 3
Ground Control to Major Threat - Hacking the Space Link Extension Protocol

Andrzej Olchawa

Andrzej has spent 15+ years in tech and transitioned from Space Software Engineering to InfoSec. Deep in code, design, & system architecture across sectors. Focused on: red team ops, security research and exploit dev. 0-day hunter. Author of multiple CVEs. Holds: OSCP, OSWA and OSWP.

3:30 PM

Creator Stage 3
Analyzing the Security of Satellite-Based Air Traffic Control

Martin Strohmeier

Martin Strohmeier is a Senior Scientist at the Swiss Cyber Defence Campus, where he is primarily based at the ETH Zurich office, and also a Visiting Fellow of Kellogg College, University of Oxford. The main focus of his work has been the design, implementation, and analysis of security protocols for cyber-physical systems and networks, specifically those used in critical infrastructures found in the air, in space or on the ground. Using these domains as a driver for the real-world applicability of his research, his work has been published in many diverse venues, spanning wireless communications, cryptology, systems security, sensor networking, machine learning, privacy and aviation.

During his DPhil (2016) at Oxford with Prof. Ivan Martinovic, he has extensively analyzed the security and privacy of wireless aviation technologies of this generation and the next. This line of work has predominantly been focused on developing cyber-physical approaches which can improve the safety and security of air traffic control quickly and efficiently. After completing his DPhil, he has been extending his interests towards areas of open-source intelligence, privacy issues in aviation, security in electric vehicles and satellite environments, and adversarial machine learning.

Martin is also a co-founder and board member of the aviation research network OpenSky and responsible for coordinating research activities there. Before coming to Oxford in 2012, he received his MSc degree from TU Kaiserslautern, Germany and joined Lancaster University's InfoLab21 and Lufthansa AG as a visiting researcher. His work on aviation security received several awards from the aviation and computer security communities, including the EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship. His dissertation was further highly commended by the British Computer Society.

Saturday 8/10

12:00 PM

Creator Stage 3

GPS spoofing: it's about time, not just position

Ken Munro

Talking to pilots and operators, an important aspect of GPS spoofing and jamming is being missed from the narrative in the media. We know about position spoofing, that's a given. What doesn't appear to be getting much attention is the effect of time spoofing.

The most significant of these is an incident where time was spoofed a significant period into the future. This caused all digital certificates on board an aircraft to become invalid and caused all electronic communications to fail. As GPS clocks have protection against time being rolled backwards, but not forward, the aircraft was grounded for several weeks for systems to be reflashed and the clocks to be reset,

Coarse time spoofing could therefore ground entire fleets. We'll discuss this and potential mitigations. If time allows, we could touch on conventional RF navaids and their exposure to similar attacks.

12:30 PM

Creator Stage 3

Fly Catcher - How I Developed a Low-Cost Raspberry Pi Based Device for ADS-B Spoof

Angelina Tsuboi

As a pilot and cybersecurity researcher, I am very interested of the nexus between aviation and security. To explore this interest, I developed a device called Fly Catcher - a device that detects for aircraft spoofing by monitoring for malicious ADS-B signals in the 1090MHz frequency. The device consists of a 1090 MHz antenna, a Flight Aware RTL SDR, a custom 3D printed case, a portable battery charger, and a MicroUSB cable.

The device receives ADS-B information from the antenna and the software-defined radio, which is then passed into a Convolutional Neural Network written with Python to detect whether or not the aircraft is spoofed. I trained the neural network on a dataset of valid ADS-B signals as well as a generated spoofed set of aircraft signals, to teach Fly Catcher how to detect and flag any suspicious ADS-B signals. It does this by checking for discrepancies in the signal's characteristics, such as its location, velocity, and identification.

The result outputted by the neural network is then displayed onto a radar screen allowing users to detect spoofed aircraft near them. To test the device, I brought it with me for an hour-long flight to scan for a wide variety of aircraft enroute. After the flight, the data was fed into the Neural Network to analyze any spoofed aircraft I might have encountered.

1:00 PM

Creator Stage 3

Small Satellite Modeling and Defender Software

Kyle Murbach

The proliferation of ride-share rocket launches and decrease in the overall cost of sending payloads to space due to recent successes in the private space industry has made small satellite systems a cost effective and time-efficient method to put research vehicles in space.

The University of Alabama in Huntsville’s Center for Cybersecurity Research and Education (CCRE) has been funded by the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC) over the last several years to investigate the overall cybersecurity posture of small satellite systems. Numerous iterations of student teams led by CCRE and SMDC staff members have managed to accomplish notable research milestones.

This talk is meant to inform the next generation in aerospace cybersecurity by discussing our major research milestones, relevant findings, lessons learned, and areas of concern relating to the overall cybersecurity posture of small satellite systems.

Relevant items to be covered in this talk include what it took to build a working small satellite system model as close to real-world as possible (Raspberry Pis vs PyCubed boards vs other contenders), implementation of small satellite functions (payload camera, radio communications, positioning/sensor array, orbital simulation, battery/solar charging, etc.), performing vulnerability analysis against the implemented model, creating different attack scenarios (MitM, DoS, spoofing, hardware attacks), implementing defensive mitigations (hardening scripts, command validation, health checks), and the development of a lightweight software solution named “Small Satellite Defender” (SSD) designed to protect satellites from potential threat vectors.

4:00 PM

Creator Stage 2

Offensive Security Testing: Safeguarding the Final Frontier

Andrzej Olchawa

Every space mission is underpinned by critical software that spacecraft operators utilize to monitor and command their assets. The Mission Control System serves as the primary interface with a spacecraft, marking it as a crucial component of the ground segment. For decades, these systems were operated exclusively within the confines of mission control rooms, accessible only to a select group of individuals through a limited number of computer workstations. This paradigm has recently shifted, with numerous space organizations enabling their personnel to manage space assets remotely, including from the comfort of their homes. This increased accessibility has rendered space-related systems susceptible to the same security vulnerabilities that affect our daily-use software.

Despite the adoption of newer technology stacks in many mission control systems—either through upgrades or complete replacements—the consideration of security requirements has often been deferred to the final stages of development or overlooked entirely. This negligence presents a significant risk, exposing the space sector to potential exploitation by malicious entities. Like in other technology domains, merely expanding strategies to incorporate security measures, instituting security policies, and integrating new security requirements are positive but insufficient. Despite being developed and tested by extensive teams and presumably adhering to best practices, we have observed firsthand how contemporary mission control systems remain prone to elementary security flaws.

The most effective strategy to equip space systems with a robust defense against malicious actors involves integrating offensive security testing throughout their development lifecycle.

In this presentation, we share the results of the security research we have recently conducted on the more established, open-source Mission Control Systems: NASA OpenMCT and YaMCS. We present the details of the vulnerabilities we have discovered in those two systems, and their potential impact on a space mission when they are chained together into one exploit. We conclude by presenting with the audience the lessons learned from those security assessments.

4:30 PM

Creator Stage 2

From Theory to Reality: Demonstrating the Simplicity of SPARTA Techniques

Randi Tinney

Demonstrating the transition from theorized space cyber attacks to practical proof of concepts. The presentation will utilize a simple yet effective attack, a man-in-the-middle attack, on the ground infrastructure to demonstrate how many SPARTA techniques and sub-techniques can be performed against a spacecraft from the ground infrastructure. By illustrating the significant impact of this simplified concept, we aim to emphasize the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures throughout the entire lifecycle of space missions and break the inherit trust between the ground and spacecraft.

5:00 PM

Creator Stage 2

A dive into world of Aircraft PKI

Matt Gaffney

From protecting Aircraft Software Parts to authenticating aircraft to ground networks, aircraft use PKI in their day-to-day operations. In this talk we will cover the typical use cases, technologies, and regulations in play and touch upon the emerging threat of the Post-Quantum world and what it could mean for the protection of embedded software we find on aircraft.

Sunday 8/11

11:00 AM

Creator Stage 2

Warflying in a Cessna

Matt Thomassen & Sean McKeever

Wardriving is cool, and airplanes are cool. What happens if we combine the two? Is it safe? Is it legal? How much WiFi is it possible to see from an airplane? How far does WiFi leak into the atmosphere? How far away can we see an access point? Can we catch a specific network at 1500 feet above the ground? How about 2500? We loaded up a small plane and flew around in circles to find out. This talk will share both our preparation and our results, including figuring out the best places to warfly, what equipment to use, and how to do it safely. We will present the flights we made, the data we gathered, how we analyzed it, and what we discovered. (Spoiler alert: flying a Cessna is a really, really non-stealthy way to collect information about wireless access points.)

11:30 AM

Creator Stage 2

The Interplay between Safety and Security in Aviation Systems

Lillian Ash Baker

Safety has been at the forefront of Civil Aviation since the formalization of DO-178, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, in 1981. However, times have changed since then and we live in a world with seemingly limitless connectivity. DO-356A, Airworthiness Security Methods and Considerations, forms the cybersecurity bedrock in which aviation systems are designed and implemented. In this talk, participants will learn about how Safety and Security is applied to system design and how they interact with one another. Design Assurance Levels (DAL) and Security Assurance Levels (SAL) concepts are presented and explained what their purpose is. This talk is designed to appeal to the general cybersecurity community by introducing fundamentals of Safety analyses and discussing how Safety and Security interact with one another.

This talk will first touch upon fundamental documents that form the Certification basis for System Development (ARP4754B), System Safety (ARP4761A), and Security Considerations (DO-356A). From there, it walk through pieces that form a safety analysis and Design Assurance Level (DAL), walk through a system architecture under consideration, and learn about how Safety and requirements in a system can be used to inform the Threat Model for the system. From there, we end with a discussion on how Security Mitigations are assigned Security Assurance Level (SAL) and what this means for developers.

12:00 PM

Creator Stage 3

Behind the Badge: How we used and abused hardware to create the AV badge for DC32

Adam Batori & Robert Pafford

ADS-B aircraft tracking has long been done with Raspberry Pi’s and SDRs. We set out to build our own receiver from the ground up, but without resorting to expensive and power-hungry SDR chips. Join us for a behind-the-scenes look as we walk through how we were able to (ab)use hardware to squeeze an entire Linux system, custom signal processing chain, and map visualizer into a chip that costs less than most microcontrollers.

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